News Stories

The Flagg building front door and facade

Spring Studio Access at the Corcoran

Here is an update on the spring semester to come at the Corcoran...

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Spotlight on Students

As part of the 2020 #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving, we are sharing inspiring stories from across the Corcoran.

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Campaign Tracks: Corcoran Students On the Music of the Campaign Trail, From Taylor Swift to Cardi B

This fall, Associate Professor of Music Loren Kajikawa, decided to...

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Remembering Corcoran Professor Emeritus Dennis O’Neil - Innovator in Screenprinting

Dennis O’Neil, Corcoran Professor Emeritus and Director of the...

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In Photos: Corcoran Students Document the 2020 Election

Originally published on...

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Glamour Shot: Alumnus Photographer Snaps the Stars

Originally published on...

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Dana Tai Soon Burgess: Dancing in the Time of COVID (photos)

In the early evening of Friday, Oct. 9, at the Arts Club of Washington, the Dana Tai Soon Burgess Dance Company performed historic solos choreographed by Michio Ito, as well as excerpts from Burgess’...