Corcoran Academic Committee
What is the Corcoran Academic Committee?
The Corcoran Academic Committee serves schoolwide leadership and faculty in an advisory capacity and as a resource for curricular affairs. It also serves as the interdisciplinary body through which curricula across the Corcoran are aligned and interconnected.
Below is some basic information about the committee. Corcoran faculty and staff members can have access to more detailed information, including the committee’s monthly agendas, resource folders, and other information. To get involved or to get information about the Committee, please reach out to current co-chairs, Susan Sterner and Anna Jayne Kimmel, at [email protected].
How often does the committee meet?
We generally meet once a month, though at particularly busy times may meet more frequently.
Meetings are held by Zoom
Jan. 17th, 9-10am
Feb, 14th, 9-10am
March 21, 9-10am
April 11, 9-10am
Program Revision and AC Consultation
Proposals for new programs and courses, as well as significant curricular revisions, must be initiated by the Program Head. For a more detailed outline of the required documentation and submission process, see the embedded document, “CAC Program Proposals & Revision Flowchart.”
Please send any proposal documents to Co-Chairs at [email protected], and cc Deputy Director at least two weeks prior to one of the above meeting dates. A representative from your program should be present at the meeting to present, discuss or receive feedback.
[ ✔️ ] AC consultation required if:
- Significant curricular change, approximated at 20% or more, be it new courses, new distributions, or other re-alignments
- Formation of a new program (graduate or undergraduate level)
- Sunsetting of an existing program (graduate or undergraduate level)
- Significant anticipated impact on other related programs
[ ❌ ] AC consultation not required if:
- Minor distribution adjustment
- Singular course revision or addition
- Cross-listing courses
- Course designation for GPAC or WID
CAC Program Proposals & Revision Flowchart
(Use your keypad to advance)
CORX Proposals
The Academic Committee is now accepting proposals for CORX Interdisciplinary courses at both the foundational level (CORX 1900 Topics in Art, Design, Performance, and Culture) or more advanced level for both undergraduate and graduate students (CORX 3900/6900 Special Topics in Art, Design, Performance, and Culture). Please submit via the Google Form prior to an Academic Committee meeting date so the Committee may review.
Who is on the academic committee?
*AC Resource page under construction
Academic committee 2024–2025
Clement Akpang (Art History)
Catherine Anderson (Interior Architecture)
Marc Choi (Design)
Anna Jayne Kimmel (Theater & Dance) Co-Chair
Eugene Montague (Music)
Laura Schiavo (Deputy Director, Corcoran, Museum Studies)
Susan Sterner (Studio Arts) Co-Chair
Schillica Howard (Museum Studies)
Academic Review Dates and Resources
GPAC Course proposals are due to the CCAS GPAC committee by November 15 for the following fall semester; or March 15 for the following spring. The Corcoran AC can support this process. Learn more here.
Form: Submit a GPAC Designation
WID Proposals are accepted by CCAS on a rolling basis. Learn more here.
Bulletin Deadlines The Bulletin is published twice per year, at the end of May for the provisional version and mid-to-late July for the final version. The following deadlines are the final date by which a program submission must be at the Academic Editor’s step in the CourseLeaf workflow.
February 1 | Deadline to enter course and program changes and proposals into CourseLeaf for publication in the subsequent academic year. Be sure to request access to Courseleaf well in advance.
Preventing CourseLeaf Submissions from being Rolled Back
March 1, 2025 | Provisional Bulletin deadline
April 19, 2025 | Final Bulletin deadline
Additional information and resources for program proposals and change requests
The following resources are available on the Program Approval Process page of the Office of Academic Planning and Assessment website. Please bookmark this page and check back to ensure you have the current versions of the following documents and other information.
- Guide to Modifying and Proposing Programs in CourseLeaf (PDF)
- Curriculum Mapping Worksheet (PDF)
- Articulate Student Learning Outcomes
- Program Policies and Guidelines
- Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code Protocol (PDF)
We invite you to also take advantage of resources offered on the DUS Desk Blog.
Additional Contacts
Gina Harris | Senior Managing Academic Editor:
Questions regarding submitting course and program requests and management of Bulletin content. [email protected]
Gabrielle Wingate | Applications Administrator:
Contact for CourseLeaf access, workflow changes, technical issues, and CourseLeaf training. [email protected]
Karen Froslid-Jones | Associate Provost for Planning and Assessment:
Contact email: [email protected]
Contact directly with questions about submitting doctoral programs.