News Stories

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Corcoran Students Put a Face on Diplomacy

It was up to Corcoran alumnus Pratik Shah, B.F.A. ’14, to tell the story of an American diplomat named...

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Student Exhibition Transports GW to the Streets of Brazil

Five São Paulo-based artists light up Gallery 102 with work that blends gritty coolness and...

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‘Our War’ Brings President Knapp, Student Playwrights to Arena Stage

Comprised of short vignettes, “Our War” acquaints its audience with a parade of characters...


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Washingtoniana Collection Energizes Scholarship on D.C.

The new GW Museum and The Textile Museum will be home to Albert H. Small’s unparalleled trove of rare...

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Columbian College Dean Outlines Corcoran School’s Progress

“We are well positioned to integrate our curriculum and create a school that sparks the imagination of...

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Opening Date Set for George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum

The new George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum will open on March 21, 2015.


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Corcoran Library Moves to Gelman

As the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design continues its integration into the GW community, Corcoran...

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Alumna Exposes Natural Beauty of the Philippines

Katie Schuler, a 2007 Corcoran alumna, has come across creatures endemic to the Philippines through a...

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Historic Arts Agreement Transfers $43 Million to GW

As part of the finalized agreement among GW, the Corcoran and the National Gallery of Art, GW will...

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Corcoran Presents Joseph Asher Hale’s 'Fathom'

Pangea Ultima is what some people think the world might look like in 250 million years. It’s just one...