Kerry McAleer-Keeler

Kerry McAleer-Keeler
Associate Professor, Art and Design, Studio Arts Program
The elements of happenchance, luck and fortune have been subjects of exploration and agency for Kerry’s artwork and creative research. She finds inspiration from unplanned, fortuitous or even accidental events—everyday environments and experiences—explored in her book arts, collage and printmaking work.
Kerry currently serves on the Steering Committee of the College Book Art Association, working to advance and promote academic book arts education by encouraging its development and practice. Her studio is part of the Liberty Town Arts Workshop in Fredericksburg, VA. She has taught in the areas of printmaking and book arts at the Corcoran since 1998 and served as the MA, Art and the Book Program Head from 2009-2015.
Current Exhibitions
Her work has been selected for individual, group, and juried exhibitions throughout the U.S. and internationally such as:
- Protest in Big Print, Corcoran School of the Arts and Design Galleries in Collaboration with Big Ink, Corcoran Faculty Group, 2019
- Utopia/Dystopia: Inspiration and the Artists Book, Laramie County Library, Cheyenne, WY, June 2017
- Art for Aleppo, Postcard Exhibit, Catalyst Gallery, Beacon NY, April 2017
- Posted Notice, Selections of Printed Poster Ephemeral, College Book Art Conference, Vanderbilt University, January 2016
- Divisions, Connections and Intersections: Fact and Fiction in Family Histories, Studio Gallery, Washington, DC, October 2016
- Women Artists/Artists Books Pop-up Exhibit, Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Washington, DC, October 2016
- Metroplis & Invisible Cities Exhibition, Invisible Cities Book Collaboration Project Participant, Constellation Studios, Lincoln, NE, October 2016
- Chateau d'Orquevaux Artist-In-Residence recipient, Orquevaux, France, 2019
- Artist-In-Residence, Rosa di Tufo, Tufo, Italy, 2019
- FreeHold Taos Artist-in-Resident, Taos County, NM, Selected for July 2018
- Arquetopia International Artists-In-Residence Program, Puebla, Mexico, August 2015
- Corcoran College of Art and Design, Pitman Study Away Program, Artists In Residency Program, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, July 2013
Collections and Publications
Work in collections such as:
- The Book as Place: Visions of a Built Environment, Environmental Design Library,
University of California. Berkeley, CA, 2018 - (Un)Necessary Duplicates, Mid Atlantic Print Council, University of Montana, 2018
- Faculty, Corcoran 102 Gallery, George Washington Gallery, Washington, DC, 2018
- The Smithsonian American Art Museum/National Portrait Gallery Library
- The Library of Congress
- The National Museum of Women In the Arts
- George Washington University
- George Mason University Library
- St. Mary’s College
- The Southern Graphics Council Archives
Work shown in publications including:
- Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review, Winter Ed., 2019
- Everything Is Paint, Scott Ligon, Watson-Guptill , Random House Publishing, 2011
- The Book as Art: Artists’ Books from the National Museum of Women in the Arts
- 500 Handmade Books, Vol. 2 by Lark Books
BA in Studio Art & Politics, Mount Holyoke College
MFA in Printmaking, The George Washington University
Professional Organizations
- Member, Mount Holyoke College Alumni Group, South Hadley, Massachusetts
- Member, SGC International
- Member, Mount Holyoke College Alumni Group, South Hadley, Massachusetts
- Member, Virginia Museum of Fine Art
- Serves on the Board of Directors for the College Book Art Association (CBAA)
- Member, Pyramid Atlantic Art Center, Hyattsville, MD
- Member, American Printing History Association
- Member, Fine Press Book Association