Shape new technologies and design solutions for problems that matter and make the world better.


Our Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interaction Design (IxD) focuses on building compelling relationships between people and the systems around them. With two degree options for customized study, we focus on design in the context of technology, the designed world and the natural world. Moving beyond screen interfaces, Corcoran IxD is an incubator for design-based problem solving and the development of interactive spaces, products and services. Imagine, prototype and create concepts that ultimately shape people’s everyday interactions with the world.

Our students want to build compelling relationships between people and the systems around them and have demonstrated imagination and drive. The program is for designers who want to:

  • Build new mobile experiences that reimagine the way people connect with the services they need
  • Make the things we use and the ways we get around more sustainable
  • Creatively rethink technology to better connect people and ideas

At the Corcoran, you’ll find yourself embedded in a creative community where designers, artists, photojournalists, musicians and performers connect in the classroom and beyond. You can take advantage of a world-class research institution at the George Washington University to engage in interdisciplinary practices that can expand your vision of what design can do and enhance your capacity to realize your ideas.




Moving the H3 heading into the grey box with text and centering the text vertically/horizonatlly


Considerations of the social and environmental impact of interaction design are a fundamental component of our program and are critical to the future of the field. Students have the opportunity to develop their design practice in a real-world context by partnering with community organizations through our program’s innovative Engagement Lab. This curricular component enables students to embrace a human-centered collaborative approach to design.

The Corcoran offers two degree options in Interaction Design. Both degrees are built around the same strong core that engages students in critical thinking and problem-solving to reimagine how people interact with physical and digital environments. The curriculum focuses on key skills such as creative coding, prototyping, visualization, human-centered collaborative design and user research.

A student presents in front of a project screen



Grey box with text and image within standard margins (not full bleed)



Considerations of the social and environmental impact of interaction design are a fundamental component of our program and are critical to the future of the field. Students have the opportunity to develop their design practice in a real-world context by partnering with community organizations through our program’s innovative Engagement Lab. This curricular component enables students to embrace a human-centered collaborative approach to design.

The Corcoran offers two degree options in Interaction Design. Both degrees are built around the same strong core that engages students in critical thinking and problem-solving to reimagine how people interact with physical and digital environments. The curriculum focuses on key skills such as creative coding, prototyping, visualization, human-centered collaborative design and user research.

A student presents in front of a project screen


Text with no background, keeping an arrow on the image, and using standard margins (not fullbleed)



Considerations of the social and environmental impact of interaction design are a fundamental component of our program and are critical to the future of the field. Students have the opportunity to develop their design practice in a real-world context by partnering with community organizations through our program’s innovative Engagement Lab. This curricular component enables students to embrace a human-centered collaborative approach to design.

The Corcoran offers two degree options in Interaction Design. Both degrees are built around the same strong core that engages students in critical thinking and problem-solving to reimagine how people interact with physical and digital environments. The curriculum focuses on key skills such as creative coding, prototyping, visualization, human-centered collaborative design and user research.

A student presents in front of a project screen


Fullbleed background image with standard 50/50 template placed on top






H3 Set on top of title banner. The banner image is hidden on mobile since it becomes too small/hard to read.


Where You'll Go

Where You'll Go


A woman manipulates a digital map via toggle switches

Once you complete the program you will be well positioned to pursue careers with the many companies looking for artists and designers with Interaction Design backgrounds, including:

  • Apple
  • Google
  • McKinsey & Company
  • Microsoft
  • NBC
  • 3M
  • Disney
  • financial institutions

A close up of a finger on a touchscreen



Corcoran Basement, Flagg Building
500 17th St, NW 
[email protected]

Program Administrator
[email protected] 

Program Head
Johan Severtson
[email protected]

Assistant Professor of Interaction Design
Undergraduate Advisor, Interaction Design

Kevin Patton
[email protected]