Phillips Practice Rooms


  • Piano
  • Music stands
  • Chairs


Access to the practice rooms (B-114, B-115, B-116, B-117, B-118, B-121, B-122, B-123, B-124, B-125, B-126) is automatically granted to all students currently enrolled in a music (CMUS) course. All Corcoran students, faculty, and staff may request complimentary access.

Students, faculty, and staff outside of the Corcoran, as well as all alumni, who would like access to the practice rooms should come into the Music Program office during business hours to purchase access for $30, payable only by GWorld Campus Cash or personal check. Access is available on a semesterly basis and fees are not prorated. Because access to the practice rooms is controlled via GWorld card, persons not affiliated with GW are unable to purchase access.

Please note: Music Program Practice Rooms are located with the rest of the Music Program in the basement of Philips Hall at 801 22nd St NW.


Practice Room Rental Form