Flagg 143: Lighting Studio


  • AlienBee strobe lights
  • Totalight and omni light continuous lighting kits
  • Elinchrome strobes
  • C-stands
  • Collapsible light stands
  • Portable backdrop stands and rolls
  • Flash meters
  • Gels
  • Diffusion umbrellas
  • Grids
  • Omniboxes
  • Softboxes
  • Large seamless backdrop with various colors (standard bright white, black, and chromakey green)
  • Large wall mounted light box
  • Display and Mac Mini for tethered shooting



All Corcoran students may have access, but which equipment they can use or checkout is dependent on which class they are enrolled in. Only students who have taken Studio Lighting or have been trained to use strobes have access to the AlienBees (both for use in studio and for checkout). All other students may use continuous lighting within the studio, but should be given instruction by the studio coodinator prior to their reservation. To get trained email [email protected]

Students must either make a reservation or come in during designated open studio hours. See the lab tech at B117 to gain access. Students may check out gear, return gear, or get a portable backdrop to use elsewhere while there is a reservation in the lighting studio.  Students are permitted one 2 hour reservation per day. Students may only continue working in the studio past their time if no one else has reserved the studio or shown up to use it during open lab.

Students must be masked and sign in using the QR code when using open studios.



Students must reserve the lighting studio in advance. This can be done at the appointment page below. If there are slots available it will show "Open studio," if you don't see any blocks of time that say that it means that the studio is booked for the duration of open studio. You are still able to check out / return lights during this time by seeing the lab tech in checkout. 

View open studio hours and make your reservation here:

Lighting Studio Reservations

View the checkout schedule here: Checkout Hours


Using the Lighting Studio

The lighting studio at the Flagg Building, room 143, is for use by students currently enrolled in classes in the Corcoran and GW Fine Arts programs. It can be reserved in two-hour blocks or accessed by students currently enrolled in a lighting course during open studio hours for equipment checkout.

When you come in for your studio reservation, you must turn over your GWorld card to the lab tech, who can be found in room B117. The studio is locked at all times, so you will be escorted by the lab tech to the room. It is up to the student to tidy up and put away equipment. Continuous lighting is available for use to students who have never taken a lighting course.

There is a dedicated Canon 5D Mark iii DSLR camera and tripod for this studio that is available to checkout. You must supply your own SD card. Camera can only be borrowed for the duration of your reservation and cannot be removed from the building. 

Students taking a photo in the lighting studio



The studio should look this good or better when you leave. You are responsible for cleaning up when you are finished. All stands, lights, power cords, etc., must be returned to the cabinets that you removed them from. Back-drops need to be rolled back up and stands broken down and stowed.

When you have finished shooting, see the lab tech to get your GWorld card back; the lab tech will inspect the room to make sure it is in the same condition or better than when you arrived. If you have reserved the studio for two hours and no one else has booked the time after, or come in during open lab, you may continue working. If you are 30 minutes late, you will forfeit your reservation.


Using Lighting Equipment Outside the Lighting Studio

If you are a lighting student, you may come in to check out equipment, even when the studio is reserved; equipment may be taken out to shoot at locations within the school (there are lots of empty galleries). See the lab tech for help. Questions about the studio? Contact [email protected]