Molly Orlando

Photo of Molly Orlando

Molly Orlando

Lecturer in Music (Piano)


Email: Molly Orlando


Pianist Molly Orlando is recognized as a soloist, collaborator, and teacher throughout the metropolitan Washington, D.C., area. Praised by the Washington Postfor her “great style” and performances that are “searching” and “edgy,” Molly is equally at home in traditional and new repertoire. An advocate for new music, Molly has premiered numerous works, including a performance as the soloist in the world premiere of Daniel Felsenfeld’s piano concerto The Curse of Sophistication and works by Timothy Dusenbury, John Elmquist, Matt Curlee, and Nathan Lincoln-DeCusatis.

Molly has worked with UrbanArias (Service Provider and Shining Brow), Great Noise Ensemble, and Third Millennium Ensemble, and her recent concert seasons have included solo and chamber recital appearances at the North Carolina School for the Arts, College of Wooster, Utah State University, Penn State University, the Arts Club of Washington, North American Saxophone Alliance, and the International Saxophone Symposium. Molly’s recently completed projects include a recording of Douglas Boyce’s A Book of Songs with tenor Robert Baker and a tour through West Virginia and Pennsylvania as a member of RPS Collective, a saxophone/percussion/piano trio. 

Because of her success in taking on notoriously difficult repertoire, Molly has a growing reputation among classical saxophonists and is in high demand as a collaborator, reflected in her recent and upcoming performances with saxophonists Jeremy Koch, Robert Young, Carolyn Braus, David Stambler, Tim Powell, and Branford Marsalis.

Molly completed her B.M. and M.M. degrees at the Catholic University of America, graduating summa cum laude as a scholarship student of Thomas Mastroianni and Marilyn Neeley. She currently serves as a member of the faculty of the George Washington University and owns Opal Music Studio in Old Town Alexandria, VA.


B.M., The Catholic University of America

M.M., The Catholic University of America