Kirk Kristlibas


Kirk Kristlibas

Communications Associate


Office Phone: (202) 994-0995
Flagg Building, 500 17th Street NW Washington DC 20006


Kirk Kristlibas is a designer (graphic/web/scenic), artist, author and musician. He has been a GW staff member since 2007. Serving as the Promotional Coordinator for the Department of Theatre & Dance (TRDA) for over ten years, he earned an MFA in Production Design in 2016, opening the door for numerous scenic designs for TRDA, as well as professional designs for area theaters such as the Washington Stage Guild.

Kirk is currently Communications Associate at the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design.


MFA Production Design, The George Washington University
BS Multimedia and Web Design, The Art Institute of Portland
BFA Printmaking, Performance Art, Minneapolis College of Art and Design