News Stories

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National Collegiate Handmade Paper Art Triennial at the Corcoran

The Corcoran is pleased to host the 2016 National Collegiate...

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Corcoran Freshmen Have Their First Show

Corcoran freshmen will show their First Year Studio work on February 3, from 6:00- 8:00 PM in the White...

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Corcoran Faculty Present at GW Digital Humanities Showcase

Corcoran faculty member Jim Mole will be presenting at the GW Digital Humanities Showcase on February...

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Fictilis Show Opens in Atrium Gallery February 5

Wildcat Hauling: Working with Waste in Public Space, the latest installation by FICTILIS, will...

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Ceramics Annual Opens in Gallery Four

The Corcoran's Ceramics department holds their annual exhibit on February 5 in Gallery Four.


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Art and the Book Program Wins Big In Nashville

The Art and the Book program took home several prizes on January 8th at the 2016 College Book Art...

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Push Factors Exhibit Closing Panel Discussion

The artists behind Push Factors: Perspectives on Guatemalan Migration will hold a panel...

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(Red) and the Corcoran Team Up to Offer New Masters Degree Studio

We are excited to announce an innovative collaboration between (RED) and the Corcoran to offer a...

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Securing Support for Your Long-term Projects

Mary Virginia Swanson, Executive Director of LOOK3, discusses how to secure project funding on January...